I was sitting at a distillery in San Antonio, Texas when I got the call. "Would you like to write a Vegetarian cookbook for us?" Why, yes, yes I would love to!
I was given a two month deadline to research, develope, and execute 75 recipes - with Vegan, Gluten free, Nut-free and Dairy-free versions. All the recipes fall into one or more of five categories - Quick (ready in 30 minutes or less), 5-ingredients or less, Off the Shelf, One Pot, or No Cook.
Let's just say that in my house for the first week we ate breakfast foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The next week we ate nothing but snacks for every meal. Weeks six and seven were the toughest - week six was pasta dishes three times a day, week seven we ate desserts from morning to night. Testing recipes is a hard job but somebody has to do it, right?
This will be your go-to cookbook for easy Vegetarian recipes. And for all my meat eaters out there- all my recipes make a great foundation for bacon!
And so here it is - the Quick and Easy Vegetarian Cookbook - 75 Recipes for Satisfying Meatless Meals.